Friday 22 May 2009

Redhead Day 2009

This year's Dutch Redhead Day (Roodharigendag) is happening on Sunday, September 6th 2009 at Breda, The Netherlands.

The event is free to attend and involves art, workshops, lectures, a red head themed dinner, competitions and a picnic. There is also a picture taken at the end of the event which will include you and the up to 4,000 other attendees.
Readhead Day is for everyone, but especially all men, women an children with natural red hair are invited: whether you have many red curls, short hair, a Mohawk haircut or red beard.
To read more about Redhead Day and reserve your place, check out the official website. Also please make a wish list and support our project :)

Monday 18 May 2009

Ginger Be Beautiful by Richard Tuttle

Richard Tuttle, the Band Director at Ada-Borup School District in Minnesota has written and produced a song about being ginger. Here's a description from Richard himself:
Zach, my youngest step son, was tired of being called a ‘ginger’ at school. Ginger, a British slang for a person with red hair, is often used to tease people. After Zach listened to the mp3 of my song, he was proud of his red hair. This will be point of the video: to show that having red hair is just as cool as having any other color of hair….or no hair at all.


She A Ginger
He A Ginger
We A Ginger
Be A Ginger

We So Pride No Hide
We See Me As A Pretty
Join As All And Shout
Ginger Be Beautfiul
Ginger Be Beautiful
Ginger Pride

Teen A Ginger
Ween A Ginger
Gene A Ginger
Been A Ginger

We So Pride No Hide
We See Me As A Pretty
Join As All And Shout
Ginger Be Beautiful
Ginger Be Beautiful
Ginger Pride
Show Your Ginger Pride