Nicole's red headed baby boy surprised her as she and her husband have brown hair. A little investigation uncovered red hair in both parent's relatives. This research of her family tree coupled with regular attention from people on the street spurred Nicole on to write a children's book.
Read reviews of the book at Little Red Heads Across America
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I'd like to write about it, but I can no longer login...
I was interested to see that Birmingham City Council has included in it's anti-social 'HATE' legislation COLOUR, RACE, SEXUAL ORIENTATION etc., does this admission, diffentiation, between COLOUR & RACE open the door for victimised redheads to bring cases of discrimination on the grounds of birth colour and genetic inheritance?
Interesting that the previous blog mentioned the 'genetic' factor responsible for the hair as I'm pretty sure there is some sort of legislation regarding discrimination on genetic grounds, or there is at least much talk about it. If the government too includes colour in its discrimination laws Nate should definitely have a case - if he could find a law firm willing to take it on.
I've been reading back over a number of entries in this blog. It all started with my search for Tim Minchin singing, "Only a ginger, can call another ginger Ginger. Just like only a ninja, can sneak up on another ninga,
I also really like the gorgeous photos of redhead kids that have been put together in this book.
Anyway, my real point is that at the bottom on each entry you have some boxes to tick so people can state if they are offended, indifferent or amused. Can I sugguest some others - 'confused' (for a lot of 'those' older entries)'intrigued' and perhaps even 'proud'. What do you think?
It's interesting that some think that you can only prove pride in your colour, by being called by your colour, rather than your individual name, a view that doesn't seem to run true for persons with Black skin. I am all for individuality not for stereotyping. Hair colour doesn't make me who I am. Hair colour may have made Marilyn Monroe a blonde film star icon but it wasn't her natural 'redhead' colour.. So what really made Marilyn a star? It is a known reported fact that overdoses of 'ginger' caused the deaths of Kelsey Winter 13 and Adam Bailey 15. I know I don't want to be called 'ginger' by anybody redheaded or otherwise. I want to be called by my name if that means being ignored by the contemptously familiar majority, so be it, I can well live without the negative, pejorative attention of bigots and bullies who don't me from a bar of soap. If you don't know me don't call me [anything] and I won't call you
So what is the 'gingerism' response to 'ginger genocide' in the urban dictionary and the 'ginger genocide' video which can be viewed on line?
Who can really doubt that it is the 'word' 'ginger' that breeds and encourages this total contempt of 'natural redheads'.
It is a pejorative putdown that robs us of our individuality and as far as the majority are concerned, of our humanity.
I see too many little red heads and not enough my-age red heads =P
Similarly frustrated peoples ought to check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJDCMth8poM
Sometimes it's nice to see notable red heads. Baha.
Perhaps now might be a good time to access the coalition's
ditch a law...make a law..website...and lobby for redheads getting equal protection rights under the law as that other 'massive' minority of colour. All imported minorities are protected why not the indigenous one.
Great stuff.
Check out my website for other red hair info, events, etc
We would love to help promote your blog as well.
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