The event is free to attend and involves art, workshops, lectures, a red head themed dinner, competitions and a picnic. There is also a picture taken at the end of the event which will include you and the up to 4,000 other attendees.
Readhead Day is for everyone, but especially all men, women an children with natural red hair are invited: whether you have many red curls, short hair, a Mohawk haircut or red beard.To read more about Redhead Day and reserve your place, check out the official website. Also please make a wish list and support our project :)
Dear God.
They are mobilising!
I think it is too late for the UK.
But here, in Australia, there is still time to defeat what we know as the 'Ranga Menace'.
... get a life you ignorant inbreed
how DARE you say such words about our magnificent race!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... I just love red hair and red-haired girls ... gradma was a rehead by the way, you would have adored her... I'm not a redhead, but I know that life is much more beautiful with some more "colour" in it ... don't ya think? ;>)
the person that posted the first comment is a prick bth ...well said in the second comment though x im a red head myself and think its brilliant that so many people are showinf support instead of hate now...the last comment made me smile i think its really cute xxx
i agree with the comment above and im also a redhead and we do get some abuse for it, but my hair gives me confidence and i love it loads of people are actually atracted to red hair, in primry school and secondry school i was bullied but now im in collage i have 7 people who like me and i went on 3 dates in the same day the other day:P more too us i think at it shows those who do bully us are imature lol much respect love it! xxxx
What in gods sweet name is this?
I have seen this before.
Step 1 Collect underpants
Step 2 ?
Step 3 Total and complete destruction of the world.
first person is a troller. dont give them any notice and they will crawl back into their little hole.
doesnt matter anyway, its becoming popular. it would appear bright ginger hair is coming into fashion.
i looooooove the colour personally. fits the firey temperment.
people; you gotta understand the Aussie sense of humour. Hes getting a real kick out of our indignant replies, and to be honest it is funny: Its funny to laugh at proud people. come on poms; catch up lads:)
Ive got ginger dreadlocked hair -coming up to a year now:)- and i am all for the festival. Its really something to show a teenager or child that its a positive to be different and that the abuse comes from fear of difference not because of themselves.
however i think being proud of being ginger is overcompensating. not ashamed, not proud; just happy that we do stand out.
"steps down from soapbox with a smile"
well i'm a middle school student and i'm made fun of every day for being a red head aka "ginger/firecroch" yea i'm really hating life right now ):
I was also teased in elementary and middle school about my red hair (and freckles). This too shall pass. The people who are teasing you will tease anyone who looks even the slightest bit different from them, and they are bullies and idiots for doing so. Just raise your chin and ignore them.
P.S. It gets better as you get older.
i'm a middle skool student that gets poked every friday.. instead of kick a ginger day cause i'm a girl ginger its poke a ginger friday... i really hate hate hate my life
Im a ginge and i love it!!!! best thing that has ever happened to me
I love redheads girls, I´m a brazilian guy, and over my country is very hard to find one!!!! add me bandaboulevard@hotmail.com
I´ll be waitting ;)
haha don't worry the first was one was definitely a joke, and it wasn't all that offensive either :P
actually aussies are mostly no way near as bad as brits when it comes to ranga/ginger insults...
and also redhead day is an awesome idea :)
oh yeah, by the way i'm a redhead too
(and proud :) xx
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