Friday 25 September 2009

Buried Alive - Smothered - Suffocated

I’m very grateful to Keiron for inviting to write for this blog I don’t know whether I’ve convinced anyone that I’m not insane just suffering the stresses and strains of being a joke rather than a human.

Society seems to act on the belief that REDheads have deliberately chosen to be born a bright and noticeable colour as a means of showing off and they must be put in their place and kept in their place.

Geri auditioned for the spice girls and became ‘GINGER’ because she was desperate for fame, fortune and attention.

I hate to be the centre of attention. I am a thinker, I like to observe and to write what I think and feel about what I see. Society states that I have a problem with my colour that I have a problem with self acceptance but that is not the case. I loved my colour but I hated the negative attention it attracts. I should have been born in a free country where I could choose what I am called, or not called. There is nothing about me that deserved the derision meted out to me. It is not me that holds me in low regard. Society doesn’t care that I am naturally a quiet, unassuming person they only see something that they feel entitled to mock. I can see that the colour is not mocked, that the people wearing it are not ridiculed if the colour they are wearing is man made and bears more attractive, desirable names.

The choice of words and language is of great importance in marketing and PR. I was well aware of the complete negativity of the word ‘ginger’ and the tone and context in which it is used long before Saatchi & Saatchi admitted it in BBC3s ‘F*ck Off I’m Ginger’. Some deadhead REDheads thought my speaking on the subject was slagging their colour when it is the ‘word’ I hate.

I feel I have been smeared with ‘ginger’, smothered in ‘ginger’, suffocated by ‘ginger’. I have been judged as ‘ginger’, ridiculed as ‘ginger’, dismissed as ‘ginger’, stereotyped as ‘ginger’.

I’m writing this now, as possibly my last piece as the stresses and strains of being the big, stupid joke have also taken their toll on my physical as well as my mental health. I’ve spent my life as an invisible human, the majority make no contact with me, they laugh right through me and they laugh so loud they never heard my mind, my heart and now my body breaking.


Anonymous said...

"I’m writing this now, as possibly my last piece as the stresses and strains of being the big, stupid joke have also taken their toll on my physical as well as my mental health."

I assume you intend to take advantage of your now famous national health care system (something which we Americans are denied, and may possibly never have) and get some counseling, or perhaps check in to a clinic? Because this kind of rhetoric is alarming, it's obvious you need professional help now, and frankly dear, your paranoia is getting on MY nerves. You know you're just rambling now, so turn yourself over to people who can help you. Then start thinking about immigrating to America when you get better, I think the change would do you good, and I tell you there is no such anti-gingerism going on here as you have so described; but perhaps it was all in your head? Good luck, Madasa.

Anonymous said...

Intelligent rambling though and this blog and all the postings are not in my mind. Yes I was driven paranoid by the situation but the situation is a fact. Which famous film does the "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't all out to get you" come from?. Sometimes depression does take over and I do get professional help as maybe you should for your nerves. You don't have to read my stuff ,read all the other posts which have no input from me and my insanity.

Janet said...

As a redhead in America, I can say there are some people who do mistreat redheads here. Some of my friends find it funny to recite the gingers have no souls thing.

Nate said...

Hey Madassa,

"Society seems to act on the belief that REDheads have deliberately chosen to be born a bright and noticeable colour as a means of showing off and they must be put in their place and kept in their place."

This comment is hilarious... I will be using this one in conversation if that's ok!