Saturday, 23 January 2010, Racism and Violent Threats
I support blogs as a platform for free speech, but I will not associate or affiliate myself with any level of racism. I personally and professionally as a teacher find racism to be reprehensible and outright ignorant.
Whether Madasa is mentally ill or not, racism is racism and I will not ignore it. I will do everything reasonable with in my power to undermine the authority of racist opinions or those who are racist and I will not be a part of any site that allows racism to be posted.
Additionally, I will also not tolerate threats of violence... nor will I support a site that allows threats of violence to happen without consequence.
Madasa has threatened me in comments, she should be removed from
I am awaiting a decision from Kerion Waites the creator and admin person.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Anti-Racist purists say it is about ‘Race’ and not about colour and that is not true.
I can’t tell a Black American from a Black British from a Black African from a Black Canadian. I cannot identify their ‘Race’ but I can see their COLOUR at a glance and it is their COLOUR that gains the attention and ire of the ‘Racist’. The ‘Racist’ doesn’t care where the Black person comes from it is the fact that they are Black which sets them off.
If a ‘Racist’ says to a Black person in the UK “Why don’t you go home?” The chances are the Black person will say “I am home, I’m British, like you”
If that Black person is British and I am British then ‘Race’ is not the issue. COLOUR is what attracts the anger and hatred of the ‘Racist’.
So why is it unacceptable to offensively stereotype ‘name call’, abuse and ridicule the ‘massive’ Black ‘minority’ - yet totally acceptable to constantly, relentlessly, incessantly target the smallest, most highly visible minority of COLOUR in the UK with verbal abuse, ‘name calling’, stereotyping, ridicule and mockery.
There is much historical evidence to prove that the contempt of NATURAL redheads is deeply entrenched/ingrained in the British psyche.
How can a redhead like Paul MacInnes of the Guardian suggest that it is subversive to demand equality?. Demanding freedom from mental, emotional and psychological torment cannot be deemed subversive. He attributes the deaths of Kelsey Winter and Adam Bailey to ‘thin skin’. I find it difficult to understand redheads like him who happily conform even though it is clear their feeble acquiescence to the majorities abusive power and control is costing other redheads their sanity and even their lives.
Why do such redheads consider the pursuit of freedom and happiness should be the preserve of Blacks and that Reds are not entitled to demand EQUAL treatment and respect for those born RED as is afforded by society at large, by the law, to those born Black?
Only Blacks are allowed to be offended by stereotyping, 'name calling' & ridicule who are these 'Racists' who say Blacks are so different from Reds?
Saturday, 16 January 2010
BBC Apology for Dr Who Is A Disgrace... CONTINUED...
BBC Apology For Dr Who Is A Disgrace
Click the Headline Above To Read the original 'Post' and its 'Comments'...
I have complained to the BBC about their apology.
I am a little disgusted that the apology is not appropriately worded. The word 'ginger' is offensive and derogatory to a great portion of redheaded people.
The BBC uses the word 'ginger' several times in the apology, but decides not to upset the celebs by calling them redheads (the appropriate term). Go figure!
Redheads are over sensitive about this kind of thing for a reason. Besides the school yard bullying, redheads suffer abuse in the street from strangers and acts of violence aimed specifically at redheads. The anti-redhead discriminatory trend is growing. Now whether the Dr Who's regeneration throw away line was an insult is neither here nor there. There should be room for characters appearing on tv shows to be able to express a view contrary to the BBC's beliefs... But the BBC's apology is entirely inappropriate.
After posting my complaint and asking for a reply the website tells me it will be 10 working days for the issue to be researched.
I hope for a re-wording and for anyone else who feels the same way to complain to the BBC.
The most offensive section of the apology is...
"Doctor Who doesn't have an anti ginger agenda"
...This doesn't even describe us as a ginger haired people, but just a colour. This is simply de-humanising.
The apology should read something like...
CLICK HERE to make a complaint to the BBCComplaint
We've received complaints from viewers who believed a line in the second part of Doctor Who: The End of Time was insulting to people with red hair.
The BBC's response
We would like to reassure viewers that Doctor Who doesn't have an anti redhead agenda whatsoever. This was a reprise of the line in the Christmas Invasion episode in 2005, when Doctor Who discovers that he's 'not ginger', and here he is, missing out again - disappointed he's 'still not ginger'.
In addition, the Doctor's previous companion Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and his new one Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) are both redheads.
Redheads should demand better of our government broadcasting agencies!
I think its great that its been made really clear that the doctor is being made out to be an anti-gingerist or un-discriminatory. Cant wait to see the episode. Cant wait to see the BBC complaint department catch up with the BBC writers.
When's the doctor going to be a redhead?
Many of the comments made on this article refer to a Guardian article by Paul MacInnes CLICK HERE to read the article.
I am a redhead who was bullied and/or has faced gingerism throughout my schooling from pre-school through to university and still in my everyday life. I am university trained with a degree in new media art and design with a post-graduate degree in education. I am yet to have a great deal of teaching experience having only recently graduated. I constantly read academic peer reviewed articles of bullying and cyber-bullying and have taken a great interest in possibly undertaking academic research on school and workplace bullying with a specific focus on redheads.CONTACT NATE @
To read ALL of Nate's articles click the label/tag 'Nate'
Dr Who…ginga of the universe.
The Dr having landed in London was leaving the Tardis when a shout of
Scene I
“Oi Ginger, you can’t park that box there ginger and talking of boxes ginger have you got ginger pubes ginger?”. I know you have ginger ha! ha! and you ginger don’t have a clue about mine ginger‘cause you’re a stupid ginger twat, ginger ”.
Scene II.
I’m telling you officer something ginger went hairing past I’m not sure if it was a ginger ninja, or a ginger minger but it was definitely ginger.
Naturally a ‘love interest’ is out of the question
Scene III
“Oh No” screeched Miss Mousey “It was ginger hee! hee! hee! Oh No! I couldn’t go out with something ginger, my life, you wouldn’t even want to be seen in with something that ginger ha! ha! ha!.
And as the Dr tried to go undercover and infiltrate the alien HQ.
Scene IV
“Look, there’s a ginger trying to be something its not when you can tell a glance its only a ginger. These f*cking gingers why can’t they just admit they’re only ginger and should be walking around so we’ve got something ginger to call ginger names and laugh at because we’re not ginger so we’re much better than gingers. Ha! Ha! They just look twatish and ginger why won’t gingers just admit they look like ginger mingers. The ginger whinger had no chance of getting in here without the alarms going off.
That’s about how ginger and interesting and ginger and exciting and ginger it would be. In fact as ginger and boring and ginger as they make my life which is another ginger reason I’m a ginger lunatic and a ginger recluse.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Monday, 11 January 2010
Talk Facts, Effects not REDHEAD semantics.
Nate seems very concerned about causing offence to somebody, anybody, what a nice guy. I am now unable to partake in discussions because I'm basically uneducated and the 'debates' have become so long, so wordy, so earnest, so far removed from everyday language that they no longer make sense.
Some plain talking in plain English would not go amiss.
There is a lot to be said for brevity.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
BBC Apology For Dr Who Is A Disgrace
I am a little disgusted that the apology is not appropriately worded. The word 'ginger' is offensive and derogatory to a great portion of redheaded people.
The BBC uses the word 'ginger' several times in the apology, but decides not to upset the celebs by calling them redheads (the appropriate term). Go figure!
Redheads are over sensitive about this kind of thing for a reason. Besides the school yard bullying, redheads suffer abuse in the street from strangers and acts of violence aimed specifically at redheads. The anti-redhead discriminatory trend is growing. Now whether the Dr Who's regeneration throw away line was an insult is neither here nor there. There should be room for characters appearing on tv shows to be able to express a view contrary to the BBC's beliefs... But the BBC's apology is entirely inappropriate.
After posting my complaint and asking for a reply the website tells me it will be 10 working days for the issue to be researched.
I hope for a re-wording and for anyone else who feels the same way to complain to the BBC.
The most offensive section of the apology is...
"Doctor Who doesn't have an anti ginger agenda"
...This doesn't even describe us as a ginger haired people, but just a colour. This is simply de-humanising.
The apology should read something like...
CLICK HERE to make a complaint to the BBCComplaint
We've received complaints from viewers who believed a line in the second part of Doctor Who: The End of Time was insulting to people with red hair.
The BBC's response
We would like to reassure viewers that Doctor Who doesn't have an anti redhead agenda whatsoever. This was a reprise of the line in the Christmas Invasion episode in 2005, when Doctor Who discovers that he's 'not ginger', and here he is, missing out again - disappointed he's 'still not ginger'.
In addition, the Doctor's previous companion Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and his new one Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) are both redheads.
Redheads should demand better of our government broadcasting agencies!
I think its great that its been made really clear that the doctor is being made out to be an anti-gingerist or un-discriminatory. Cant wait to see the episode. Cant wait to see the BBC complaint department catch up with the BBC writers.
When's the doctor going to be a redhead?
Many of the comments made on this article refer to a Guardian article by Paul MacInnes CLICK HERE to read the article.
I am a redhead who was bullied and/or has faced gingerism throughout my schooling from pre-school through to university and still in my everyday life. I am university trained with a degree in new media art and design with a post-graduate degree in education. I am yet to have a great deal of teaching experience having only recently graduated. I constantly read academic peer reviewed articles of bullying and cyber-bullying and have taken a great interest in possibly undertaking academic research on school and workplace bullying with a specific focus on redheads.CONTACT NATE @
To read ALL of Nate's articles click the label/tag 'Nate'
Should you dye your hair if you're being bullied for being a red head?
What does this poll really tell us? It may tells us that if your a redheaded person being bullied for your red hair there is likely a lot of potential support for you as a redhead facing what can and has been described as a form of legitimised prejudice and discrimination, called 'Gingerism'. I'd like to think that what many of these voters believe and are simply saying is don't dye your hair, because it's unlikely to be a worthwhile strategy in stopping the gingerism.
For those who are victims of gingerism you are certainly not alone. The has a lengthy thread on 'redhead bullying', and there's a good supportive series of comments concerning this very topic on a facebook thread aswell... check them out.
If your being bullied for your red hair what steps have you taken so far to stop the bullying?
Seek help! Gingerism is an issue faced by many redhead adults as well as younger people. There is never shame in asking for help!
Have you spoken with friends, teachers, parents/guardians, school counsellor's about the gingerism? Each of these people can give you advice on how best to deal with or handle the bully or bullies.
If your not comfortable with speaking with any of the above people for any reason, such us fear that those people may make things worse or may not or are not listening, then seek the use of a counsellor from any reputable help-line or counselling chat-line. Make sure the advice your being given on these lines is professionally driven, not just some online blogger who has no idea or experience. These help-lines and chat-lines can often be anonymous and/or confidential.
One strategy to tackle one bully or group of bullies may not work with the next bully or group of bullies. Don't stop trying out different strategies. Don't stop gaining advice. Whether you take the advice given to you or not, often advice can help you spark your own strategies to tackle the bullying. Always consider and find ways to become aware of the possible risks involved in each action you take to tackle the bullying.
Seek help! Gingerism is an issue faced by many redhead adults as well as younger people. There is never shame in asking for help!
Become aware of your workplace harassment policies and follow them to the letter, ensure you make accurate and clear records. Never retaliate to the harassment and ensure that the person harassing you is aware that their harassment is unwelcome.
Explore all your options from simply asking the discrimination or prejudice of gingerism to be rectified or stop through to any possible legal action. Knowing your rights and options does give you a sense of being empowered and can sometimes be enough for you to stop any official complaint or process. Always consider and find ways to become aware of the possible risks involved in each action you take to tackle the discrimination or prejudice of gingerism.
One strategy to tackle one form of discrimination or prejudice may not work with the next form of discrimination or prejudice. Don't stop trying out different strategies. Don't stop gaining advice. Whether you take the advice given to you or not, often advice can help you spark your own strategies to tackle the discrimination or prejudice. Always consider and find ways to become aware of the possible risks involved in each action you take to tackle the discrimination or prejudice.
Because gingerism is a form of legitimised discrimination and prejudice it can often be difficult for many redheads to seek help, due to the person or authority they are seeking help from seeing that there is nothing harmful or that it is less-harmful to harass a redhead for being a redhead. Some people may even laugh at gingerism even being used in a sentence. Keep looking for strategies to have the bullying stop... DO NOT retaliate, it will often make things worse.
What do I mean by 'legitimised prejudice and discrimination'? Its a form or harassment and social exclusion that the majority of people within your peer group, school, workplace or community feel is un-harmful or less-harmful prejudice or discrimination, and hence ok.
'IF' you have tried everything you can to stop the discrimination against you and I mean everything within your power to stop the gingerism your experiencing... you know your situation better than anyone, and if you are 100% sure that dying your hair will help at all, then do it. Dying your hair is (as hard as it is for me to contemplate) a potential short-term strategy to stop gingerism. Dye fades so even if you do regret it, the change is not permanent. At the very least the dying of your hair will demand the attention of many around you as to the extent of the gingerism you are experiencing.
By no means would I say that redheads should not dye their hair at all, like a similar poll running on entitled 'Should famous redheads who color their hair be considered as traitors?' suggests. Interestingly though, on the general question, should redheads dye their hair? The thread responses in general is still exceedingly NO!
Yet, according to Harper's Bazzar going darker is a recent celebrity trend. There is certainly no shortage of redheads who have dyed their hair. Some redheads enjoy highlights, others dye it outright and many regretted it...
“Cheryle wroteon February 20, 2009 at 5:30pm...Some redheads have dyed their hair and not looked back . Some redheads just want a change, but cant manage it...
Hey It took me twenty 3 yrs to appreciate my natural beauty, Sadly being a red head comes with lots of teasing and standing out. as a kid you start to think you hate being different because of all the teasing.I couldn't wait till i could dye my hair blond and look like all the pretty girls who didn't get teased or comments about their hair.
Also as you get older the colour darkens and is far less red or orange, Guess this makes it better, and adults accept you as you are, they don't make nasty comments that children do,
Since I stoped dying my hair I love it, I laugh at the stupid pictures of me trying to be the same they don't look right..... ha ha.
Now I am with Jennifer I only add extra red highlights or foils just to add some extra depth to my colour, every now and then some blond ,only foils though would never take away from my red.... It's who I am.”
...Some redheads believe they simple cant colour their hair, fearing some unpredictable pinks and greens. Some people want the crazy unpredictable colours with a red look. One things for sure that “red hair is one of the most sought-after shades...”... and the bottle redhead threads just go on and on.
Some people object to people attempting to dye their hair red entirely, believing: ginger its a state of mind...
“Sorry, but it is not possible to 'dye your hair ginger' because ginger is not a colour. You can dye your hair a nice copper tone or some kind of auburn hue, but you'll never have the hot coals burning at the pit of your stomach from being born with the look of the fox about you.”OR...
“1. You will VERY RARELY meet a natural redhead that is cocky, petty or mean.The older redheads among us are desperate to hold on to their red hair as it fades. If your an older redhead has some tips for you.
2. You will VERY RARELY meet a natural redhead that does not have a confidence problem, no matter how deep down we learn to bury it.
3. You will VERY RARELY meet a natural redhead that is openly sexually promiscuous or that dresses or acts as if their sexuality is what defines them.
4. Natural redheads MOST OFTEN have more of a shy tendency about them.”
Apparently some people feel that they need to ask why 'ugly' girls dye one section of their hair red.
“Jaymz Hetfield dun....DUN DUN DUNI guess some people don't deserve to be called people. Some people just simply wish that if you want to dye your hair... do it properly as they attempt to stop the 'proliferation of bad hair jobs' asking of us: have you asked the right questions?
Join Date: Apr 2007 Location: San Francisco, California Posts: 565
I think this has a lot to do with redheads just being naturally ugly creatures. These ugly non-redheads associate their ugliness with the ugliness present in all the redheads they have they choose to complete the ugly costume by dying part of their hair red. Why they choose to only dye one section of the hair red, is anyone's guess.”
So that's I'm sure more than my two cents on the poll.
I am a redhead who was bullied and/or has faced gingerism throughout my schooling from pre-school through to university and still in my everyday life. I am university trained with a degree in new media art and design with a post-graduate degree in education. I am yet to have a great deal of teaching experience having only recently graduated. I constantly read academic peer reviewed articles of bullying and cyber-bullying and have taken a great interest in possibly undertaking academic research on school and workplace bullying with a specific focus on redheads.CONTACT NATE @
To read ALL of Nate's articles click the label/tag 'Nate'
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Its AIM:
A mostly tongue in cheek, deeply sarcastic look at truly gifted bloggers/writers of gingerism. To stumble upon any number of sources that highlight some of the more highly enlightening threads of those bloggers that voice anti-redhead prejudice that makes this country (Australia) and other countries great.

Above: Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd & Deputy-Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.
Image From:
NOTES: Kevin Rudd is the Australian Prime Minister. The redhead the 'enlightened ones' refer to is Julia Gillard, Deputy-Prime Minister and Federal Minister For Education.
Here ends the first of many enlightening threads.Kevins Rudd Voice?
Murphlives » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:52 pm
Please!...make it stop!
random-blankness » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:48 pm
Ooh fair shake o' the sauce bottle there mate.
Murphlives » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:29 pm
It's just so...whiny and annoying!
He sounds like he is reading off a piece of paper and talks down to us like we are school children....
Why do we keep getting nerdy prime ministers?l.....Whats's next?
A fucking female prime minister
boob » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:45 pm
There is no way in hell I'm having a filthy ranga as a prime minister.
PlaceboFan » Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:26 pm
She's actually a natural blonde.
Timor_ » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:13 pm
So she went from blonde to red by choice? That's even worse.
boob » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:27 pm
i bet she's one of those idiots that claim to be 'strawberry blonde'
ps - whats the dealio with rangas dying their hair black? its not half obvious from their invisible eyelashes and eyebrows that they arent naturally raven-haired.
random-blankness » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:21 am
Hey i used to die my hair firetruck red. I look banging with red's only jelousy because you guys cant handle the gingery power.
All but 'random-blackness' are clearly enlightened beings, worthy of our respect.
GO!!! 'random-blackness'!!!
...someones gotta help them keep their hands of their o' sauce bottle's there mate!
Final Thought For Thread No. 42:
Will Julia Gillard play the 'ginger' card and will she ever be Prime Minister?
Well, you could argue that technically she already has been to date... as the 'Acting-Prime Minister' while Rudds away.

Above: Garrett as the front man for Australian rock group 'Midnight Oil'.
Image From:
NOTES: Peter Garrett is the former front man of 'Midnight Oil' and the current Federal Environment Minister.
According to long-suppressed video evidence, Peter Garrett is some kind of ginger mutant. Check that buzz-cut bloodnut! Peter commenced total hair removal soon afterwards, for obvious reasons (although possibly the redness is due to lighting; we need hair-colour confirmation from Garrett’s office).
Note also, around the 2:49 mark, that Labor’s future environment minister appears to briefly consider an air-guitar solo - before reverting to an early form of his trademark “dancing”, which at this stage (1977) resembled a cross between an awkwardly tall girl’s skip-rope attempts and someone playing table tennis with both hands.
Posted by Tim B. on 03/19/2007 at 12:31 PM
Here ends the second enlightening thread.
So there you go... Not just! Peter Garrett the highly successful singer/songwriter or Australian Federal MP, but also the the possible 'ginger mutant' and 'buzz-cut blood nut'.
Final Thought For Thread No. 43.
Its interesting how the gingerism really stops after a person leaves high school.
Below: Garrett as Federal Minister For Environment
Image From:

Lego VERSUS Anti-redhead Xmas Card

I stumbled across this, 1979 advert.
I know its not technically 'Gingerism' (Redhead prejudice), its just a girl, not a 'ginger' girl... just a girl who 'will melt your...' heart.
I just couldn't help but put it out there, against the 'Quitting Hollywood' AKA 'Anti-redhead Xmas Card' and the many other prejudicial adverts.
Below: The 'Anti-redhead X-mas Card'