Saturday 24 January 2009

Root Ginger: A Study of Red Hair Exhibition

Jenny Wicks has produced an exhibition on red hair, a photographic tribute to a genetic trait that is frequently talked about. The exhibition was inspired by family members, some of whom are red heads.

The exhibition also aims to explore the social aspect of having red hair, or more importantly how society treats minority groups.

Root Ginger: A Study of Red Hair by Jenny Wicks, will be exhibited at Idea Generation Gallery, 11 Chance Street, London E2, 17 February - 1 March 2009.

You can find out more about Jenny Wicks at her official website: Jenny Wicks Photography.

Note: I'll be going to this exhibition. Not sure what date yet. I will update the gingerism twitter account when I know more.

Update: The book accompanying the exhibition can be found on Amazon: Root Ginger Book.


Anonymous said...

There is a beautiful book to accompany this exhibition available on Amazon.

Anonymous said...

The photos look beautiful and there's also an interview with the artist here:

It looks like she's donating a portion of the proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis Trust in the UK as she has family members affected by CF. Overall just a great exhibition.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking all over for the book, including on Amazon, and can't find it. Does anyone have a link?

Keiron said...

Here you go:

Keiron said...

Well that's a rather ugly looking link! Additionally, I've updated the article to include a link to the page.

Anonymous said...

link is:

Anonymous said...

Help! Im a ginger in a vote for me comp to win a place in an Advert...PLEASE vote for me! Get a ginger into the TV in a cool role..not a loser role!